Domestic industrial robot manufacturers competitive advantage: integrated layout

 Industrial robot based on ontology is motion control of an integrated, robots are secondary integrated production line. Integration of the layout of the domestic industrial robot manufacturers more competitive advantage. From the perspective of product standardization, standardization of motion control system components, high levels of industrial robot ontology.
     Motion control system is mainly composed of motion controller, actuator, such as servo system and transmission mechanism (toothed belt or reducer), such as robot technology is based on motion control. Motion control technology has experienced from dc to ac, from open loop to closed-loop, from analog to digital, the servo control network system based on PC.
     Servo system benefit equipment upgrades, demand continues to grow, downstream structure differentiation. Metal cutting machine tool numerical control rate was 26% in China in 2012, 60% – 60% of the standard with the developed country, equipment upgrade space is vast, servo system total 6.1 billion, 2014, judge the future growth of 5% to 5%. But the downstream demand growth will structure differentiation, robot, electronic equipment manufacturing and other emerging industry growth in demand for servo will amount to 15% 20%, far higher than that of traditional mechanical.
     Servo scattered industry concentration, import substitution is underway. Japanese brand market share of nearly 50%, mainly mid-market; European and American brands (24%), provide the overall solution to occupy the high-end market; Taiwan brand positioning between the Japanese and local brands, accounted for 10%; Local brands low-end market positioning, market share from 10% in 2007 to 10%. But a single brand market share is close to, between the industry more competitive.
     Motion controller customized benefit from further development, market segment oligopoly. Motion controller can be mainly divided into PC -based, PLC -based, embedded controller and CNCs (CNC system), other than CNCs type of motion controller can be referred to as general controller (GMC), CNC market scale, 3.6 billion, 2013, GMC16 billion. Know – how knowledge accumulation for a long time, user habits such as constructing the high barriers to entry, so even in the overall market share of small, but in a niche market may occupy the vast majority of market share. Such as Japan fanuc world CNC50 % share, Siemens accounted for 20%.
     Integration of the layout of the domestic industrial robot manufacturers more competitive advantage. From the perspective of product standardization, standardization of motion control system components, high levels of industrial robot ontology times, robot level of standardization of production line is the lowest. The higher the degree of standardization of products, its turnover ability stronger, but the performance of the products and services subject to the downstream system integrators. At present domestic brands is still difficult to get many integrators and business model can’t choose & other; High turnover rate & throughout; Layout mode, homebred brand value chain system integration on a ring is indispensable. Industrial robot technology is based on motion control, so we believe that the brand is the core technology in the field of motion control with stronger competitiveness.

China’s robotics industry is developing rapidly

China from the 1970s began to develop the robot, after 40 years of development, the main robot products have achieved production, industrial robot manufacturers are beginning to take shape. According to the Chinese Robot Industry Association statistics, in 2014, China’s industrial robot sales amounted to 56,000 units in 2013 had surpassed Japan to become the world’s largest producer of robots. From the application type of view, in 2013, handling robots become the largest domestic sales of robots, came in second place is the welding robot, equipped with robots also show rapid development. International Federation of Robotics, said a report released in the future for a long period of time, China will continue the rapid growth of domestic demand robot, the annual growth of more than 25%, to 2017, sales in China will reach 10 million units robots, industrial robots China ownership will exceed 40 million units. In 2013, the Ministry issued the “Guiding Opinions on Promoting industrial robot development”, by 2020, must form a complete industrial system of industrial robots, high-end products, market share increased to 45%, the robot density (per thousand employees several robot) from the current less than 30 to 100 or more.



Although China has been rapid development of the robotics industry, but compared with developed countries, there is still a gap. Data show that the robot density of less than 30 from the average level is still lagging behind the world’s 62. Own brand products also can not meet the requirements of the various areas of national economic development. 2013, China’s own brand of industrial robots in the low-end coordinate robot, a plane-based multi-joint robot, the proportion of high-end six-axis robot in the world less than 6%, while foreign brands of multi-joint robot robot sales in China accounted for the proportion reached 62%.